Thursday, January 8, 2009

The Yarn Bank

There has been a lot of talk on Ravelry about stash busting and in one of the groups one of the members talked about her “yarn bank” and that got me to thinking – what a great idea! I really want to remain true to my mission this year of knitting from stash, but it is unrealistic to believe that I won’t buy any yarn – especially since I am going to Maryland in May. So for every ball of yarn that I use up, I will put $5 in my yarn bank and for any partial balls that are leftover from a finished project I will put in $2.50. And in an effort to motivate myself to get my WIP’s finished, I will pay in $20. This will give me a good little nest egg for the Maryland trip and some leeway to make some purchases here and there locally. Since I am enjoying the mindlessness of the Log Cabin Squares I would like to keep moving forward on that project once the stash yarn is gone so that will require purchasing Kureyon from time to time. I am not going to be lured by any new projects unless there is yarn in the stash and god knows I have plenty of yarn choices in the stash for almost any project!! What are your plans for making yarn purchases in the new year?

On the living a happier, fuller life front – last night was great. The O&O and I met his dad for dinner. We haven’t been able to spend much time together since we got back from Florida and after being together for 10 straight days it has been a little sad to go back to life in separate homes, etc. So we had a fun dinner with a lot of laughs and I went home feeling really good about life!

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