Thursday, October 16, 2008

The Weekend Recap Several Days Too Late

The fall weather we've been having on the weekend has been fantastic. I feel so much more motivated when it isn’t 90 degrees outside. I am a 75 degree girl. If I could have 75 degrees everyday I would be a happy, probably more productive girl. I definitely do not do well with the 90’s or cold, winter weather anymore. Every year I debate which is worse – being too hot or too cold?

It was a great weekend of knitting. I got so much accomplished both in the actual process of knitting as well as in terms of organizing all of my stash. My bedroom and dining room had become overrun by bags and piles of yarn, but I can now say that my bedroom is yarn-clutter-free and the dining room looks a whole lot better, but still more to do in there.

On the actual knitting front, I finished the back of the Tribeca cardigan and I have cast on for the smaller front side. I know I took the easy road by casting on for the smaller side, but I wanted to feel like I was making some real progress on this sweater. I know I am going to like it when it is finished, but the moss stitch (or is it seed?) makes it harder to work on for longer periods of time. I also finished the back of the One Cable Vest and cast on for the front. I made excellent progress on the Magic Loop Sock. I did the heel flap, turned the heel and picked up the gusset stitches and did all of my decreases – so it is straight knitting until I get to the toe decreases. In honor of Socktober, I also cast on for my second Spring Forward sock and I have already made some decent progress on it. So you can see I was a busy girl. Still no work on finishing the old UFO’s, but I feel the need to get some of these current projects done and off the needles.

I am debating about making my former mother-in-law a Hemlock Ring Blanket for Christmas. Why, you ask? Well, the ex and I are spending a lot of time together again and I keep hoping that will move us toward better things and it wouldn’t hurt to have the M-I-L in a kinder mood when it comes to me. She doesn’t like me and as my son says, “everyone likes you mom – how can she not like you!” Thank god for that kid! I don’t know if I can take the time to do this project. I don’t foresee it being a big time project, but it takes away from everything I else I want to accomplish and I am beginning to wonder how I can get everything done. I want my February Lady sweater done for Thanksgiving (perfect color for Thanksgiving) and I want Tribeca done for Christmas (it is the perfect Christmas red). I have scarves that need knitting and mitts that I want to get done and on and on and on. This is why I don’t really knit for other people. Of course, there is still the stuff for my mom’s birthday. We’ll have to wait and see about the blanket.

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