Thursday, October 9, 2008

Love what you currently have!

It’s been a crazy couple of weeks. Last week I had a big project due for work and there was no time for writing anything other than the writing needed to complete the project. This week has been consumed with the clean up of everything from last week that I couldn’t get done, but I am finally getting caught up and boy does it feel good!

Also on the good news front, we went to the mountains last weekend to meet my parents who were on their bi-annual trek between Maine and Florida. It was an absolutely beautiful weekend and while everyone else was off playing golf, I sat outside on the deck, enjoyed the scenery, listened to podcasts and got a lot of knitting done!

I am down to the neck shaping on the back of the Tribeca cardigan. I just have to finish the shoulder shaping on the back of the One Cable Vest and then it is on to the front. I have made it to the heel flap on my second Magic Loop sock and I also managed to cast on and do a couple of color changes on my Turn a Square hat. Not totally happy about this one yet, but I have decided that this will be my test hat to see how everything works and how much yarn each hat takes.

I look at all of my yarn and projects and I just long to have more time to accomplish more. I just love so much of what I have on the needles as well as so much of what I have waiting to get on next. It should be another productive knitting weekend and the kid is going to the Wake Forest vs. Clemson football game tonight, so I should have some good quality knitting time available to me.

Based on the economic events of the last couple of weeks, it would appear that my plan to work from my WIP and Stash would be a smart thing to do for the foreseeable future. I also want to be supportive of my local yarn stores during this time so that they can hang in there, but I look around my knitting room (really my formal dining room) and I don’t need to add anything to my stash for a long, long time. Sometimes that is harder than it should be, but the key is to love what you currently have available to you instead of lusting after some new project or yarn. Probably not bad advice for life either – be happy with what you currently have and don’t feel the need to add more material things!!

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