Friday, September 26, 2008

If the Knitting is Good then Life is Good

Sometimes everything is just right with my knitting world. Yesterday I was listening to the She-Knits’ podcast and Sharon was questioning cause and effect – something along the lines of - if everything is working right with your knitting, does that make everything better in everyday life or does everyday life influence your knitting. Right now in my life when I feel centered and content with my knitting that helps make me feel more content in my life. I am not sure what that says about me and my life, but it is the way I am focusing my life right now.

With that said, last night was an excellent knitting night. I completed my armhole decreases on the back of Tribeca. I had hoped to be to this point a couple of weeks ago, but I have not been able to get to Knit Night the last two weeks. Now it should be a fairly easy run through the rest of the back. There is still a lot left to do, but it is a good sweater for Knit Night when I can get there and I really like the way the sweater is looking.

I also revisited Juno Regina last night and on the first attempt I got back on track. I got to the last little bit of Row 3 and realized what had thrown me off the other night. It really felt great to know that I had conquered that issue and without any real frustrations I was able to get back on track.

I am really looking forward to having a great knitting weekend. The weather has been so conducive to knitting lately and I don’t really have any other obligations since my class is now done and the kid will be with his dad. I hope you all have the perfect knitting weekend.

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