Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Be the Knitting

Last night was the first time in a while that I got home from work and had the house to myself and I could just sit and knit. I had been looking forward to it all day. The challenges of the economy have definitely affected the industry I work in so work days that used to be, on a certain level, stress-free have now become fraught with stress and uncertainty. On top of that, I am just plain tired. I need some time off and that’s not happening anytime soon. So the thought of some quiet, productive knitting time really made me happy.

So what was the reality? There was definitely quiet, but productive? Definitely not! I probably made a mistake when I picked Juno Regina as my project of choice last night. It had been a while since I worked on it and I really wanted to get going on the next chart. So I worked my first two rows and all seemed fine. Then I got to the third row and something just didn’t seem right and I got interrupted a couple of times so I really felt like I had made a mistake. I tinked back not once, but two or three times on that one row and something still didn’t feel right. So then I tinked back that row plus the previous purl row to see if I had set things up correctly in the first row of the pattern and everything was perfect in that row. In the end, I am not sure if I had a mistake or not on row 3. I will only know once I get back to it and try again.

The good news is I was just happy to have my hands in the wool so to speak and I knew there was nothing I could do, but just work through it. So there wasn’t much progress made, but it felt good to just “be” with my knitting. My son has a Life is good® t-shirt that depicts a golfer and the caption is “Be the Ball”. I know I will work through this challenge and sometimes we just have to “be the knitting”.

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