Tuesday, September 23, 2008

What Made Me Take the Fall?

I have been reflecting on the purchases I made while I was theoretically off the wagon and I have been thinking about why I chose to buy the things that I did. A big impetus for most of the purchases was that a lot of new patterns came out for Fall and I was also looking at a lot of old magazines and my book collection. I found several patterns that I wanted to make and with a few exceptions most of the purchases were fairly insignificant when you look at them project by project.

I did buy a lot of yarn from Beaverslide – enough for two sweaters, but I did get some of that on sale. I bought yarn for two sweaters from Yarnzilla and both of those purchases featured extremely good sale prices. I have bought some yarn for baby sweaters which were not big dollar purchases. I bought sock yarn that on its own were fairly small purchases. I did splurge on my Dream in Color for the February Lady Sweater, but I am really happy with that yarn and starting in October I am going to participate in the Sleeves off and Buttons On knit-a-long for the lady so I am happy that I can be a part of that and get a beautiful sweater made in the process.

Does a really good sale justify the purchase or should one resist temptation? I know I have too many projects that I want to make and that does weigh on my mind these days. I think once I make some progress getting through those projects that are really close to completion then I will feel better about what I have in the stash and queue. It felt really good when I got out the projects and evaluated what it would take to get them done. If I just don’t procrastinate, I can have a really nice group of sweaters ready for the Fall and Winter.

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