Friday, October 17, 2008

Another Weekend is Upon Us!!

It should be another perfect knitting weekend. The weather is supposed to be in the 60’s and we have no specific plans! I will spend more time organizing my knitting/dining room area and get more of the house organized. Something about all the craziness in the world right now makes me want to get my personal life more ordered and less chaotic. I can live with a certain amount of disarray in my life, but I feel the need for some orderliness in hopes of creating a more tranquil home environment in contrast to the out of control environment in the world.

My knitting week has not gone exactly to plan which has me questioning why I put pressure on myself by having a plan in the first place! My life is unpredictable at times and I am a single mother so I am always taking care of the needs of others. My knitting is my relaxation. It is the one thing where I really find some enjoyment in doing something for me. It is not meant to be a “to do” item to be checked off some list. Knitting brings pleasure into my life so I don’t want to turn it into something that I have to do.

However, I have managed to make some real progress this week on the second Spring Forward sock. It is really a fun pattern and it works up so easily. I have half a repeat to go to get to the heel flap so I hope to get through all of that heel and gusset business this weekend. I also want to get working on the front of the One Cable Vest. I tried to get it started on Monday night, but there was an error in the pattern plus I am re-working the pattern so it will also be stockinette stitch on the front instead of reverse stockinette. I just thought it would look weird – so I am going to do 3 or 4 stitches of reverse stockinette on each side of the cable so it stands out. I also want to get the second half of Juno Regina started. We’ll see how things go and remember to enjoy the simple pleasure of creating something from sticks and string!

I hope you have a wonderful weekend and your knitting brings you much enjoyment.

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