Thursday, September 18, 2008

Time to Get Back on Track

Falling off the wagon has been fun and it has brought some beautiful yarn into my life, but it has not brought me closer to the goals that I set for myself when I started this journey. Of course I can rationalize it and god knows there have been some great patterns to come out for the Fall season, but I need to deal with what I already have to work with. One of the recent Belle of the Ball podcasts talked about the economy of knitting and with all the news about the economy as a whole I need to get back on track with the economy of my own knitting. I have plenty of great projects to keep me busy … well let’s face it, for a really long time. I am happy with everything that I have available to me in my stash and I feel like I have done a good job of supporting my local knitting stores during these harder economic times. So I have resolved to get back to my original commitment, but with one minor change. From time to time as my budget allows, I am going to put aside some cash from my monthly spending allowance and if I want to buy something, it has to be with cash from my little knitting money stash. That seems doable and if I want something on-line then the cash goes back into the bank to pay for it. Seems like a good modification to the original plan.

It is going to be a beautiful weekend here in North Carolina and I am psyched to have a fiber-filled one. I am looking forward to my Magic Loop class tomorrow morning and learning to do toe-up socks. There are many things that I want to get my hands on this weekend. The big question is…will the Dayflower get finished this weekend? We will see! Have a fiber friendly weekend and I will see you all next week.

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