Monday, August 11, 2008

We Have Hats!

My weekend was spent making my second preemie hat for Knaked Knits. I started it Saturday morning and I knew I just wanted to get these hats out of my way – I don’t mean that in an ugly way, I just wanted to clear the decks so I can concentrate on my other goals for August. So I got to working and I just kept on going. I finished mid-morning yesterday. The second hat was of my own design – nothing special, but I think it will be nice for a wee one. What did I learn from these hats? Well, first and foremost small doesn’t mean quick. Sometimes the best things come in small packages and sometimes the smallest projects have some of the biggest challenges. I used the same crown design on the second hat as the Vine Lace hat and I had a few issues, but nothing like the first time. Also, this is the first time that I have participated in something for charity and I have debated with myself whether it is the best thing to send something to another community when I am sure that there is probably a real need in my very own community. That being said, it was nice to do this as part of a group and I have been debating about participating in the 7 Long Project at Stash and Burn, but I haven’t decided yet.

So, you might be wondering what’s the latest with my August projects? I did make progress on the Dayflower just not as much as I hoped due to my concerted efforts on the hats. I shaped the armhole and I have done the calculations where I need to start shaping for the neckline so tonight I should be able to make good progress on completing the first piece of the front. With that said, it is possible that I could get this baby done within the next week. Wouldn’t that make me HAPPY! I also did another repeat and a half on the Lace Ribbon Scarf. The neat thing about this scarf is that the knitting is easy on the hands which has been wonderful with all of the other projects that I have been working on that have not. I am going to keep going until I run out of yarn. I don’t know if that will get me to 80 inches or not, but wherever it ends up will be just fine. I still haven’t touched the Spring Forward Socks, but I am really looking forward to getting back to those.

And last, but not least, Great Knitspectations got a little bit of a facelift this weekend. I have added a new banner which will probably change periodically. I still have some more design work to do, but progress - slow and steady - that's what it is all about - the journey!

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