Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Trust but Verify

Around our office we live by the saying, “trust but verify” – not a bad way to operate in the business world. It’s also not a bad way to operate in the knitting world as well. That is why we hear so often about the importance of always doing a gauge swatch before you begin a project so you get the best results.

Do you see where this is going? This weekend I had to frog the Spring Forward sock. Down deep, I knew it was probably going to work out that way, but I wanted to believe in the pattern as written and I had already committed to what I had started. Wednesday night I went to Knit Night at Knit Picky and I got to the heel flap. Then when I got home, I started working the heel flap. I tried the sock on and I just knew it was going to be too tight. Thursday, I was tied up all day and evening with my conference for work and Friday I was too wiped out to deal with it, but on Saturday I did the horrible and I frogged the whole thing! I can now say that I am happy with my choice. I debated staying the course so I wouldn’t lose forward momentum and then dealing with the results in the end, but I knew I ultimately wouldn’t be happy. So on Sunday I began knitting again, this time on size two needles and I am thrilled with the results. It is a great pattern and I really enjoy working on it – even more so now that I know I will have a pair of socks that fit right.

This whole odyssey of mine to reduce my Wip-n-Stash is an ideal, but I don’t want the end goal to create an environment where I am just trying to get stuff done with little regard for the finished product. I know I am going to have a pair of socks that I love when they are finished and if it takes a couple of extra weeks to get there, then so be it.

Oh by the way, I am fighting with myself right now – I really want some Dream in Color! So far I have fought off the urge, but man this no stash enhancement is hard!

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